our photography

~ first photo by Mac~
~ second photo by Melody~

Mac shoots and edits
Ditto for Melody
We do not know each day which photo the other chooses
When photos are ready for posting, we collaborate on a one word title for each image

~simple as that~

loopy lady



Beverly said...

both are cute. how do you get that loop line?

Puna said...

I love it!

Christina said...

The photos are great - but the title, that's what really got me!

Frogmum said...

Great title, brilliant pictures ~ esp those loops! :D

heather said...

I love light graffiti! It's been so long since I've had time to browse cool vintage places! As always your titles/words are ever clever!

Sandi @ Life with Jessica said...

Loopy Lady...hehehe! Love that title! Mac, awesomely cool photo!! Neat how the hat has a loop pattern also.

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