our photography

~ first photo by Mac~
~ second photo by Melody~

Mac shoots and edits
Ditto for Melody
We do not know each day which photo the other chooses
When photos are ready for posting, we collaborate on a one word title for each image

~simple as that~

evening reflection



Sandi @ Life with Jessica said...

Both photos are simply gorgeous! Two of my favorite subjects...the beauty of the ever changing sky and old buildings.

Julie Arduini said...

Just gorgeous!! I love this blog, I look forward to it when I see it in my in box.

Mari said...

You are both talented! I love both pictures and the way they work together!

mac and melody said...

Thanks. We are having so much fun shooting, posting and reading your feedback.

We are going to involve YOU beginning in October. We promise to tell you how soon.

Beverly said...

I love both of them. I wish I could take photos like that!

Christina said...

this is one of my favorite pairings yet.

Bonnie said...

so peaceful !!

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