our photography

~ first photo by Mac~
~ second photo by Melody~

Mac shoots and edits
Ditto for Melody
We do not know each day which photo the other chooses
When photos are ready for posting, we collaborate on a one word title for each image

~simple as that~

dewy morning




cjaxon said...

I LOVE THE DEWY GRASS! That is an amazing shot Mac!! and it is always a perfect morning for coffee.

Mari said...

I love the dewy grass too! Great Shot!

Bonnie said...

I love dewy mornings ... and I love the focus in your photo Mac !

Soft mornings with a cuppa ... lovely, Melody !

Sandi @ Life with Jessica said...

Mac....WOW!!! That photo is stunning! Love it!!

Melody...love the combination of shadow and light and soft focus against the sharp edges of the blinds.

Christina said...

Ooooh Mac, VERY nice post processing! Works perfectly for that dreamy image. Melody, youy photo is the perfect capture of that early morning haze.

danette said...

Those are both great, but I LOVE the dewy grass! Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos...love the dew :)

Brianna said...

Gorgeous gorgeous photos.

Good luck at your photography showing Mac!

Rose said...

heck, I can't even get good "dewy" shots - way to go Mac! I think you peeked in my window Melody!

Anonymous said...

i love the pictures of mac..he is very cute!

from a 13 year old

Unknown said...

HEy guys.. its mac.. the website may not be updated anymore.. sorry guys.. im 16 now so I dont have much time. . I love yall. thanks for checkin our site out. I may have a new one soon. If u want more info hit me up at islandman97@gmail.com

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