our photography

~ first photo by Mac~
~ second photo by Melody~

Mac shoots and edits
Ditto for Melody
We do not know each day which photo the other chooses
When photos are ready for posting, we collaborate on a one word title for each image

~simple as that~

beatles anticipation



Cassie said...

I love that second pic! The colors absolutely pop!

Julie Arduini said...

Happy belated Mac and congrats on the new blog. Are you going to play the new Beatles game I keep hearing about? You definitely captured Beatles anticipation! I can't wait to see more from you and mom!

Carey said...

Awesome photos, awesome new blog.

Territory Mom said...

This is great. Congrats Mac. I added your button to my blog. Great job.

Christina said...

Congrats to Mac & Meolody on the launch of Mac & Melody! What a wonderful concept. Can't wait to see more of your art!

Oh, and? Happy birthday, Mac!

cjaxon said...

Happy Birthday Mac! Love the new blog, and I look forward to seeing more new entries! I LOVE the titles :) I love how you both interpret those titles!

Sandi @ Life with Jessica said...

More great photos! I'm so glad a whole new generation will be enjoying the music of the Beatles. Love the "anticipation" photo...though now I have that song stuck in my head and keep thinking of ketchup, LOL!

carrie said...

THAT'S A SCOOBY DOO CAKE!!!!!!!!!!! I would know those colors ANYWHERE ;)

I'm LOVING these pictures!!

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