our photography

~ first photo by Mac~
~ second photo by Melody~

Mac shoots and edits
Ditto for Melody
We do not know each day which photo the other chooses
When photos are ready for posting, we collaborate on a one word title for each image

~simple as that~

america together



MelodyA. said...

Briliant. Do you guys set out to take pics of something specific that day or of whatever strikes your fancy?

Mari said...

These are both great shots! The flag from below against the cloudy sky is perfect and the hands shows such a closeness. Nice job!

Bonnie said...

Oh I love these !!! And I love the title .... America Together. It's just perfect !!!

Kimberly said...

I just happened on this new blog of yall's. (I'm Southern, forgive me.) :)

Beautiful, the both.

Anonymous said...

Wow the second picture is so messy but captivating at the same time. The captivation draws me into and I feel like I'm there making some pottery!

THX for the comment you left me...did you know I made a post replying you and the others? Did you see it? You can here.

Sandi @ Life with Jessica said...

A striking image Mac!! I love photos of our flag...and your photo has such a unique perspective...very powerful. And Melody, you've truly captured the essence of creativity -sharing and giving.

Christina said...

I love how striking the connection often is between the two images, even without planning it that way. beautiful.

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